(C.R No: 112807-01) Suite 701, Building 58, Road 383, Block 316, Manama Center, Kingdom of Bahrain
+973 17002072
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RPA strives to automate business operations by applying technology controlled by business logic and structured inputs. RPA tools can be used by a business to set up the software, or “robot,” that will be used to perform transactions, edit data, prompt responses, and interface with other digital systems. RPA situations can range from straightforward to sophisticated, such as installing hundreds of bots to automate tasks in an ERP system. Applications of RPA include:

  • Customer Services
  • Accounting
  • Financial Services
  • Healthcare
  • Human Resources
  • Supply Chain Management


Blockchain Technology has emerged as one of the most promising services in recent years. If you are familiar with the term ‘crypto currency,’ you might know that blockchain technology lies at the heart of Bit coin. The best part of blockchain software development is that you get a transparency and digital trust and get the best record of transactions you so. The acceptance of this technology will help you in maintain all the ledger records digitally.

Blockchain Applications in Business

Energy: Blockchain technology could be used to execute energy supply transactions, but also to further provide the basis for metering, billing, and clearing processes. Other potential applications include documenting ownership, asset management, origin guarantees, emission allowances, and renewable energy certificates

Supply Chain Management: Block chain’s immutable ledger makes it well suited to tasks such as real-time tracking of goods as they move and change hands throughout the supply chain. Using a blockchain opens up several options for companies transporting these goods. Entries on a blockchain can be used to queue up events with a supply chain — allocating goods newly arrived at a port to different shipping containers.

Healthcare: Health data that’s suitable for blockchain includes general information like age, gender, and potentially basic medical history data like immunization history or vital signs. On its own, none of this information would be able to specifically identify any particular patient, which is what allows it to be stored on a shared blockchain that could be accessed by numerous individuals without undue privacy concerns.

Real Estate: The average homeowner sells his or her home every five to seven years, and the average person will move nearly 12 times during their lifetime. With such frequent movement, blockchain could certainly be of use in the real estate market. It would expedite home sales by quickly verifying finances, reduce fraud thanks to its encryption, and offer transparency throughout the entire selling and purchasing process.